Friday, February 8, 2013

friday letters [29]...

dear husband: bah! and we thought last week was crazy...pretty sure this week has out done itself. dear hudson: seriously? size 9 shoes? slow the heck aren't even TWO! 
dear 25: it's been good to be you...I mean, I can rent a car now. dear life: considering we have been told 4 times this week that we are moving [down the street], or we aren't moving...we are moving, or we aren't moving...please make up your mind. you are really messing with my schedule. dear greys: absolutely loved you last night...loved. dear mom: your potential visit is keeping me going! dear jammies: thank you for be awesome, and cute. 
dear grocery store: I think four weeks has been long enough. I should probably visit you soon eh?! dear baby in my belly: oh wait, you STILL aren't there, and you aren't planned to be there any time again...people...STOP ASKING. please and thank you. I really like the just Hudson and me time. like a lot. oh, and just for clarification- just because I have a board on pinterest of nursery ideas and a board "I will have a little girl...someday." does NOT mean that "someday" is tomorrow. So glad we had this chat.



  1. that last pic is brill! (i wish i had a belly in my baby...sshhh!)

  2. Love that last pic! It's frustrating when people assume you are pregnant or when they won't stop asking when you are going to have another one.

  3. Oh my goodness, Grey's!! I haven't watched last night's yet but I can't wait. :) Do you watch Scandal? It was awesome too!

  4. How do you go 4 weeks without going to the grocery store?!? I'm jealous.

  5. So I wont ask when your moving then :) Hope they sort it out soon!
    Owww look at those little shoes what a cutie. If only we had growing feet that would be all the excuse we need to buy new shoes each month ... or more :)

  6. Aww! Your little guy is too cute, and they do grow so fast!!!

    xoxo Jamie


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