Monday, April 30, 2012

WIW: Wedding Edition [1]!

I thought I would wait to do a post like this until our second wedding anniversary was here, but when the chance presented itself today over at Absolute Mommy...I just couldn't wait another week[ish] to share! So I'm linking up! I've been in a horrible funk today as well, so this has brightened this blah kind of Monday!

What I Wore [WWI]: Wedding Edition! 

Your wedding day is one of those days that you will never forget, and for me, it was one of those days I never wanted to end! I had been planning my wedding since I was twelve. literally. I had - bins and binders full of magazines, invitations, and dresses. Yes, I was that girl. Some people thought I was crazy, but nobody was complaining when it came time to actually plan my wedding! I was able to plan everything in just 4 short months and everything turned out perfectly!
We were married
May 8th. 2010. in Boise Idaho!
I found and bought my dress the weekend after we got engaged.
I tend to think I'm a pretty simple girl, so this dress was the perfect fit...literally.
dress : side rouched dress found at Margene's Bridal in Boise Idaho
bolero jacket [s]: Hand-Made by a seamstress in Boise.
[my twin brother and I]
 I added a white bolero jacket with ruffles around the edging for the ceremony and pictures...and then changed out of the while bolero jacket to a black bolero jacket for the reception!

Hair and Make-up: I actaully did that myself. I've never been one to have someone do my hair or make-up for an event because I knew that I could and probably wouldn't be happy with it, so I woke up early that morning, and did it myself so I would have nobody else to blame but myself if I didn't like it! I'm so happy to say that still looking back [only 2 years later], I wouldn't have changed a single thing!
My one piece of jewelry [besides my ring] was found online for $24. I'm allergic to most jewelry so I usually don't wear any. at all. ever. so wearing even this was a big step!
flowers: white peonies and calla lilies...secret: they were fake. Yeah, I know! I took most of my wedding pictures a week before our actual wedding day, had a reception the night we got married, and then had another reception in Kalob's hometown. For me, the most logically thing was to get fake flowers, make my own bouquet, and then I could have it for all of the events...and I still have it!
shoes: found them at Maurice's. I added the bow and chrystals onto each shoe.

bridesmaids: all of my bridesmaids were in super simple black sleeved dresses with a satin black sash around the waist. Their bouquets were [fake] red hydrangas and calla lilies, which I also made. Each of my bridesmaids also received an absolutely gorgeous soiree pave bracelet from Stella Dot...[found here]
groomsmen: wore black pants, white shirts, and a paisley red tie. While Kalob wore a black suit with a black paisley tie.

 This day was more than I could have ever asked for! So thankful for finding this wonderful man, and for him trusting me to be his wife!

Now, wasn't that just a blast!


  1. Ooh... gorgeous pictures! I love that last one!!

    I linked up too. :)

  2. So Fun. You look gorgeous. I love the close up of you and your gorgeous green eyes!

  3. Holy Eyes!!! Gorgeous pics…thanks for your sweet comments on my blog today!! You are a stunning bride!

  4. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing.

  5. Gorgeous pics!!! you look stunning!

  6. In LOVE with all of your pictures! I never thought about doing fake flowers but it makes so much sense. Love the inspiration :)

  7. just had to say that you are absolutely gorgeous, girl. and these images are just beautiful!! thank you for sharing such an amazing time in your life with us :)
    xo TJ

  8. You are one gorgeous gal! Loved the bolero switch! So chic.
    Thanks for linking up with me and Happy Anniversary!!


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