Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm just like the rest of you...I have guilty pleasures.
Lately, most of those consist of TV shows.
I used to hate watching TV. I felt like it was a waste of time and nothing was on but junk. Man, I'll tell you right now that my tune has changed. It started after I had Hudson, and I think it's because I need some "me" time every now and again...sometimes I think it gives me some adult interaction. When I'm at the gym...it pushes me "to the next commercial", or at home during nap time [when I should probably shower or vacuum] it seems to keep me focused on the time a little bit better.
I know I should be doing laundry, or hustling my butt to bed, but in my defense, my DVR only records 2 at a time!
Secretly [well not anymore] I love...
Teen Mom [I feel a little attached to them!]
Dance Moms [those women are cRazY!]
Dr. Phil [love that man!]
Greys Anatomy [duh!]
Police Women of...[they are pretty hardcore!]
Guiliana and Bill [I'm obsessed!]
Bethany Ever After [love her sarcasm!]
The Rachel Zoe Project [can I have her closet?!]
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills [ I would take any one of their homes!]
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Making the Team [shhh don't tell.]
Wow. I sound like a junky who needs her daily TV fix.
But I am proud to say that I don't think Hudson has watch more than 2 hours of TV in his whole life, unless you count the Direct TV symbol making zig zag motions on the screen while music is playing.

I do have one more show that my husband caught me watching one night when he came out of the "dungeon" from studying for his PE exam.
I don't feel comfortable calling it a guilty pleasure as much as I would call it a [secret] dream.

If you are shocked, you are not the only one. My husband thought I was joking...and when he realized that I wasn't, he was floored.
Call me crazy, but my adrenaline gets pumping just watching the show!
If I didn't live the life that I do, have a wonderful husband and perfect baby boy,
I would join the Coast Guard.
I would join the Coast Guard,move to Alaska, and train to be a rescue swimmer.
You know, like in the movie The Guardian.

A girl can dream right?!
For now, I think my husband would be more than grateful if I just lived through watching my guilty pleasure! But who knows, you could find me living in Alaska before you know it!

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