Monday, December 12, 2011

tipsy situations...

finally caught this on video. He's been doing it for about a month now but whenever the video camera comes out he gets bashful and thinks it should go in his mouth and will do whatever he is capable of to get it there- so I have to be sneaky sometimes with my attempts to capture this little boys every move!

-He loves to pace the couch and pull all of the toys off.
He has gotten really good at catching himself if he gets in a little "tipsy" situation!
-Our eyes are still blue.
-We have upgraded to two piece pj's [which really means he is growing up]
 - His new thing is to drink water from mommy's water bottle.
- we are loving Justin Beiber's Christmas CD! [Hudson will wave his arms up and down!]
-Hudson has figured out that can pivot. [sometimes I think he gets dizzy]
-We are SO excited to head home for Christmas next week!
  -Still loving every little bit of this boy. I read on a friend's blog that she thought that someone should come up with an anti-aging solution to give to these little guys...
I'm in full support of that!

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