Sunday, May 1, 2011

nana has arrived! :)

And how grateful we are! NaNa (we all like this SO much better than grandma-she is too young to be "grandma" haha) flew into Denver on Friday and the look on her face when she walked up the airport stairs was absolutely priceless and that face hasn't left her face yet, and its only been 2 days! She is so head over heels for our little peanut...but really, who isn't?!

I know I was totally taken back, yet again, when they told me that I would be having a c-section...not only would I be in the hospital for alot longer...but the recovery would be TOTALLY different than a vaginal delivery! Yep, I was right...Not only are my feet swollen, but somedays I feel like my stomach is just going to pop back open ( I know, I know) but really. I'm obviously supposed to stay off of my feet, and rest...but that's just not for me. I'm trying, but when you have an amazingly gorgeous little boy that you want with you at all times, it's a very hard to ask someone to take your place. Luckily I have an amazing husband who has an amazing job/boss that will let him have as much time off as we need, and I have a wonderful mom who took time away from her life, and teaching job to come and spend some quality time with us, and more importantly little baby Hudson, making my recovery and sleep pattern a little more manageable!


1 comment:

  1. My sister has had c sections as well, rest and take care of yourself so you can be the best mom you can be once you don't have as much help. Glad your little boy is okay and he is adorable!


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