Friday, November 12, 2010

oh target.

I have NEVER realize how much I truly love target, well until I got married and pregnant that is! Kalob probably doesn't agree after he comes home and sees all of the AMAZING things I've gotten for baby, but he is certainly learning fast!

We are at 16 weeks...4 months!

Can you believe that, because I'm having a really hard time grasping that concept at this point. I get extremley giddy at least once a day, and the smile that comes with that stays all day. I feel amazing, haven't been sick one day, already in to my 2nd trimester, feeling less tired, I'm not showing - which may have a factor in why i still can't comprehend the fact that there is a baby in my tummy, still working- and will continue until I deliver (pray my water doesn't break at work!), have been married for 6 months, moving into a bigger place within the next few months, we are able to see my family at least once a month (for me it more like every other weekend), we feel so incredibly lucky to have my parents, so excited about the baby, already making travel plans and necessary arrangements to be here after the baby is born! We could not be more grateful for them, oh and did I mention we are continuing to buy all of the essential items that baby will need, really it's a never ending process.

This months purchase was the play yard...that just happens to match the travel stroller and carseat system! :)

- mommy and daddy.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you post pics of the baby stuff you're getting! It makes me want to go shopping...but not for baby stuff lol - I just want to go shopping for stuff at Target- love you!


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