Thursday, December 15, 2011


We have officially destroyed our first children's book.
It is inevitable when you have a baby, I know that,
 but when it all happened, I was a little more than devastated.
 [when you have a 6 month old, you will know that literally everything goes into their mouth, and this page was no exception. This was a big mistake because, I'm almost positive that the manufactuaers thought through their decision on their ink choice- because that blue ink- was on his lips, his tongue, and his white shirt- during church. no bueno.]

I've given this book more than its fair share of TLC and  multiple strips of tape!
I haven't been able to throw it away yet- it's Hudson's favorite and his face literally lights up when we read it! We will see how much longer this book has the flip ups let alone any pages left!

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