Tuesday, October 4, 2011

the big 22...

not a big birthday.
not a date.
not a tv show.
not a street.
or a highway.
not a book.
not a movie.
and not a new store.

it is the number on the scale of my baby.
yeah. I weighed Hudson today.
[i actually weighed him 4 times because I didn't believe it the first time, but i never believe how much he weighs!]

[that reads 22 POINT 2...]
Of course, Hudson just had to tell Daddy all about it!
And I promise he has plenty of clothes to wear... he would just rather be naked.
[love those little baby stories.]

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. such a cutie! your baby boy is just adorable. i can't believe he is 22 pounds!! he is growing so fast!


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