Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's that time again. A time that I absolutely love. Mainly because I get a chance to completely brag & picture overload about the little man in my life to all of you! [I know I don't need an excuse, but still...]
What Is Hudson Up To Wednesday
We started off the week by picking up Aunt Aly at the airport! She stayed the whole weekend, looked  at some colleges...we shopped our little hearts out, played at the park, and even accomplished one of her "bucket list" items! Hudson absolutely loves her!
 Yeah, that little "merry-go-round" spinny, very dangerous, wheel thing was on her bucket list! hahaha. silly girl. She was loving it!
That was the fun part of our weekend...and then it turned into a
horrible, n o   g o o d , very bad... next few days.
I hate that I'm even posting this picture, but all we can do is learn from the situation- as hard as it has been. This is H's poor little burnt right hand. Blistered [huge], swollen, and burnt red. The pads of his fingers, at that poor index finger have been through alot. We were BBQ-ing one night while my sister was here, and the next thing I remember is jumping over the couch and grabbing Hudson from Kalob...I immediately started crying as soon as I heard the terror in Hudson's cry. Our little man managed to get his little hand underneath the "protecting shield" on the BBQ, and this was the aftermath. Long [& very sad] story short...
Hudson is a freakin' champ,
he will never be outside when the grill is on again[not for a very long time anyway], he is too smart for his own good, and he hates bandages [but loves the grape flavored tylenol]!
Remember the "easter bunny" that Nana sent for Hudson!? has completely saved us this weekend...
[okay, so I've waited for about 20min and the video won't upload, but I'm determined that you will see the joy that little [noisy & annoying] bunny brings to Hudson!]
to be continued....


  1. Ohhhhhh myyyyyy gosh!!! That is the saddest thing I've ever seen!! How in the heck did you not ball your eyes out?? That's what I would've done! :) I'm so sorry but I'm glad he was a trooper!

    And so happy you're linking up tomorrow!! YAY!

  2. Elise!! Oh my goodness Poor Hudson! This is awful!! What a chamo though and hope he gets better soon!!!

  3. oh!! poor little guy!! and poor mom! that must have been terrible for you too! hope he heals good and all is better soon.


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