Monday, December 2, 2013

be grateful.

I'm hoping everyone had an absolutely amazing Thanksgiving weekend! We relaxed, we ate, we went to the park, we went on walks, we spent time as a family, and most of all we were thankful for everything we've been given. I know alot of people chose to do the "November thankful posts" and posted what they were thankful for everyday in November. As cool as they were to read, I honestly try to steer clear of participating in them, and here is why. 
Why do I need those days to voice what I'm thankful for?! Kind of like why do we need a day for mothers day, fathers day, grandparents day...etc. I realize the meaning behind them all, I do, but why use that one day, out of an entire year, to be grateful for that one person or thing?! I know people are not going to agree, and that it just fine, I just strive to really be grateful, especially voicing it on this blog, for the things that I've been blessed with and the life that I live. I'm not, in anyway, saying that if you did participate in the thankful posts, that you are not grateful. Of course I'm grateful for my little family, my parents, the roof over my head, the job my husband has, technology, my health...all of those things, which are great things, but I'm not just grateful for them the month of November. 
If I don't say it enough on this blog, then I'm starting today, I'm grateful.
this past year, I've kept a "thankful journal"...yep, for the entire year. 365 days worth of thankful pages.

just to name a few...

I plan to continue this journal again this year.
Join me?!

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